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English translation for "旺财"


Related Translations:
财原实业公司:  jai won industrial co. ltd
他旺:  thavornthawan
里旺:  rivenqrivens
海旺:  heywang
旺丁:  wangding
仪旺:  uiwang
德旺:  devantdevanzdewang
法旺:  favandfavantfaven
舍旺:  chevantwang shi
阿旺:  aouamavantaventawang
Example Sentences:
1.You mean tito ! toto is what we ate last night for dinner
2.Although he did not know the hotel industry before , but " unlike " approach to development is a chain operation , and he knows precisely ; the second is whether it is retail or the hotel industry are doing service , and make sure the customer satisfaction
2004年,全行业的客房出租率已经达到60 . 4 % ,按照这个指标, 2004年全行业就可以扭亏为盈了,可是2004年是旺丁不旺财。 2005年不同,全国平均房价有了幅度不小的提升,尤其是上海,拉动了全国房价的上升。
3.New age healers recommend it to counteract the fear of public speaking . it improves the mental state overall by increasing positive mental characteristics , such as , serenity , creativity , positive thinking , sensitivity , and intuition , to name a few . it is the stone of friendship , opening the communications connections between friends , allowing love to permeate the communications and strengthen the friendship
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