| 1. | A slow flush blossomed on spring moon's cheek . 春月的双颊慢慢泛出红晕。 |
| 2. | Tilting her head skywards spring moon dreamed . 春月抬头看看天空,浮想联翩。 |
| 3. | You are forever meddling in family affairs, spring moon . 你总是瞎管家里的事,春月。 |
| 4. | Still spring moon lingered . 春月仍然留连忘返。 |
| 5. | "it is most understandable," offered spring moon politely . “这是可以理解的,”春月客气地附和着。 |
| 6. | Spring moon blushed . 春月羞红了脸。 |
| 7. | He also dwelt on the failure of spring moon to give her a grandson . 他还对春月未能给她生个孙子而常常长吁短叹。 |
| 8. | Suddenly spring moon wished she had not been so virtuous at tea . 春月忽然懊悔起来,她不该在喝茶时那么端庄有礼。 |
| 9. | And spring moon had the zest and wit to season the most prosaic of lives . 春月有热情,有才智,生活再枯燥,她也能适应。 |
| 10. | His enthusiasm was like spring moon's when she had mastered a concept . 他那种热情,就和春月对某事茅塞顿开的那种热情,一模一样。 |