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English translation for "是一丘之貉"

be tarred with the same brush

Related Translations:
一丘之貉:  be tarred with the same brush [stick]; be jackals of [from] the same lair; be of the same batch; be a bird of the same feather; be cut from the same cloth; be of the same species; birds of
Example Sentences:
1.Did her husband judge only by the countess gemini ?
2.Big pharmaceuticals are right up there with the arms dealers
3.We ' re the same no better , no worse
4.I ' m not surprised those two are such friends ; they ' re birds of a feather
5.They are the same ,
6.He has conspired against me like the rest , and they are but birds of a feather
7.He has all along worked hand in glove with them and they are birds of the same feather
8.I ' m not surprised these two are such friends ; they are birds of a feather flock together
9.I will give him credit that he has been playing defense a little better this year , but as far as sharing the ball and overall team play , mike is at the bottom just like everyone else
Similar Words:
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