保护西非和中非海洋晡乳动物讲习班: workshoon the conservation of marine mammals in west and central africa
Example Sentences:
Imported vijiu ( rice wine ) go on sale this afternoon , and each person is limited to two bottles 进口耶米酒今阿日下晡开始卖,一耶郎限尚侪两矸。
The typhoon is gone and traffic has mostly resumed starting this afternoon , though with major delays 风?走了后今阿日下晡交通道渐渐开始恢复,毋恪像飞行机有误点。
Due to the typhoon , most of daiwan officially canceled work and school starting this afternoon and all day tomorrow . most flights are also canceled 因为风?来,台员大部份耶所在公订下晡开始到明阿载归工拢歇困。飞行机嘛差不多拢停飞。
A sudden downpour this afternoon caused seven airport closures and flooding all over daiwan , and lightning struck and killed three mountain climbers 台员今阿日下晡突然落大雨兼掸雷公?雨大到害七耶机场拢艾关起来?四界淹水?雷公搁?死三耶登山客。