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English translation for "智宏"

zhi-hong sun

Related Translations:
出世智:  world-transcending wisdom
越智:  echikoshichiochi shizuka
宿命智:  buddha-knowledge of the transmigratory forms of all beings
周智:  suchi
智丽:  lois chiles
智房:  tomofusa
己智:  kochi
智妙:  a buddha's all-embracing knowledge arising from such universe
智雄:  tomootoshio
智久:  asoh tomohisatomohisa
Example Sentences:
1.President xu zhihong of peking university attended the speeches
2.President of pku xu zhihong and other leaders presented at the ceremony with pku students
3.President of pku xu zhihong and other leaders presented at the ceremony with many students
4.President of peking university xu zhihong and president of waseda university were presented at the ceremony
5.President of pku xu zhihong , president of zhengzhou university shen changyu added their signatures to the agreement
6.Cpc pku committee secretary min weifang and pku president xu zhihong attended the conference and presented the prizes
7.The president of pku xu zhihong and the vice president of pku hao ping meet the visitor and have a free talk with him
8.In the morning , president xu zhihong and students of pku participated in the ceremony of raising national flag
9.Takagi t , sugeno m . fuzzy identification of systems and applications to modeling and control [ j ] . ieee trans . on smc , 1985 , 15 ( 1 ) : 116 132
智宏,张运杰,任光.输入采用标准模糊分划的模糊控制系统性质及稳定性分析[ j ] .模糊系统与数学.已录用
10.Pkuef trustees chen wenshen , deng kun , hai wen , david lee , min weifang , shi xudong and xu zhihong were present . chairman xu zhihong presided at the meeting . . .
基金会理事长许智宏主持了会议,理事陈文申邓琨海闻david lee闵维方施旭东出席了会议。
Similar Words:
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