| 1. | And you will realize that god uses imperfect people 智慧人宁愿受罪也不愿犯错。 |
| 2. | What man is wise enough to understand this 12谁是智慧人,可以明白这事? |
| 3. | Mockers stir up a city , but wise men turn away anger 8亵慢人煽惑通城。智慧人止息众怒。 |
| 4. | A fool utters all his anger , but a wise man holds it back 11愚昧人怒气全发,智慧人忍气含怒。 |
| 5. | If i were a wiseman i d do my part 若我是智慧人,我尽我的本分。 |
| 6. | Scorners set a city aflame , but wise men turn away wrath 8亵慢人煽惑通城,智慧人却使怒气转消。 |
| 7. | Scorners set a city aflame , but wise men turn away anger 箴29 : 8亵慢人煽惑通城智慧人止息众怒。 |
| 8. | A wise man is strong , and a man of knowledge increases power 5智慧人有能力,有知识的人加添能力。 |
| 9. | We are the wisemen come seeking 我们都是来寻觅的智慧人。 |
| 10. | Scornful men bring a city into a snare : but wise men turn away wrath 8亵慢人煽惑通城。智慧人止息众怒。 |