| 1. | His licence was suspended for drunk driving 他的驾驶执照因酗酒开车被暂时吊销。 |
| 2. | Suspend or cancel the passenger service licence 暂时吊销或取消该客运营业证; |
| 3. | The suspension or revocation of a certificate of finality 暂时吊销或撤销终局性证明书。 |
| 4. | No . of suspension of licence under demerit points system 按照违例记分制遭暂时吊销牌照的数目 |
| 5. | Inquiry and suspension variation cancellation of psl 研讯及暂时吊销/更改/取消有关的客运营业证 |
| 6. | Commissioner s power to cancel , suspend or vary a passenger service licence 署长取消、暂时吊销或更改客运营业证的权力 |
| 7. | Commissioner s power to cancel , suspend or vary a passenger service licence 署长取消、暂时吊销或更改客运营业证的权力 |
| 8. | Director to notify revocations , suspensions and non - renewals of recognition , etc 署长须公告认可的撤销、暂时吊销及未续期等 |
| 9. | Suspend or cancel the passenger service licence in respect of particular vehicles ; or 暂时吊销或取消有关个别车辆的客运营业证;或 |