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English translation for "更名启事"

renaming notice

Related Translations:
启事:  notice; announcement 短语和例子张贴启事 put up a notice; 招工启事 a notice inviting workers; 征稿启事 a notice inviting contributions (to a magazine, newspaper, etc.); 在报上登启事 put a notice in the papers
更名:  rename
张贴启事:  put up a notice
征文启事:  call for papersnotice soliciting contributions
死亡启事:  necrology
谋杀启事:  a murder is announced
自我启事:  self revelation
征婚启事:  lonely hearts adthe personalszheng hun qi shi
联合启事:  joint statement
过户启事:  notice of tansfernotice of transfer
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