2 pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place 通过收集和整理全世界众多学者的研究成果,皮尔森绘制出一套独特的千年科技日程表,这套日程表给出了众多关键突破和发现即将发生的最新时间,这正是我们所期待的。
The results show this approach is effective when there is massive cloud cover on the remote sense image . wavelet analysis is internationally recognized up to the minute tools for analyzing time - frequency . it is chiefly due to the " adaptive feature " and " mathematical micro - telescope feature " 小波分析是目前国际上公认的最新时间-频率分析工具,由于其“自适应性”和“数学显微镜性质”而成为许多学科共同关注的焦点,本文利用小波改善传统数字图像处理方法,取得了一定效果。