| 1. | Who or what can satisfied people ' s needs 谁或甚麽可以满足人们最深层的需要? |
| 2. | But what is china s true underlying competitiveness 然而,中国最深层的竞争力是什麽呢? |
| 3. | The single deepest need in every human being is stimulation k excitement 也就是说,每个人最深层的需要是寻求刺激 |
| 4. | Because you understand your deepest biological urges , you can control them 因为你理解到你最深层的生理冲动,你可以控制它们。 |
| 5. | To sustain love , we need to continually fuel whatever inspires us on the deepest level 要维持爱情,我们需要不断地在最深层上面给任何激发我们的事物加燃料。 |
| 6. | He thought dreams were the best way to see into the deepest part of their mind - - the unconscious 他认为,研究梦是了解病人最深层思想,即潜意识的最佳途径。 |
| 7. | And dr . moltmann writes , " it was a horror of horrors that i experienced that i d never experienced before 他说:这是我以前一直未尝过,是最深层的恐惧羞辱受伤 |
| 8. | As initiates fail to address their deepest fears , the associated biology fails to become crystalline 当提升者未能处理他们最深层的恐惧之时,相关的生物体就未能转化成水晶体。 |
| 9. | In the fourth level ? the very deepest sleep ? brain waves are like calm ocean waves . . . long , slow , and rolling 在第四阶段,即最深层睡眠阶段,脑电波就像平静的海浪? ?长长地、缓慢地起伏波动。 |
| 10. | That ' s good . , you got to hold on to that fury . , that ' s the last thing to go , that ' s the final hiding place , it ' s the final fig leaf 你必须发泄你的愤怒,那是你心中最深层的东西,人类总是担心愤怒会暴露自己的情绪。 |