| 1. | Returns the number of months in the specified year 返回指定年份中的月数。 |
| 2. | Returns the number of months in the specified year and era 返回指定纪元年份中的月数。 |
| 3. | Object that is the specified number of months away from the specified 对象相距指定月数的 |
| 4. | Calculates the number of months in the specified year and era 计算指定纪元年份中的月数。 |
| 5. | Calculates the number of months in a specified year and era 计算指定纪元年份中的月数。从 |
| 6. | As number of months of government expenditure -相等于政府开支的月数 |
| 7. | As a number of months of government expenditure 相等于政府开支的月数 |
| 8. | As number of months of government expenditure 相等于政府开支的月数 |
| 9. | Object that results from adding the specified number of months to the 参数中添加指定的月数得到。 |
| 10. | Number of months between the scheduled execution of the job 作业的已计划执行日期之间的间隔月数。 |