Superabrasive grinding wheels and tools combine a grinding surface made from diamond or cubic boron nitride with a resin or metal bonding system -超硬磨具,其中含有金刚石或立方氮化硼磨料颗粒,并使用有机树脂或金属材料作为结合剂,使磨料颗粒固结成形,共同构成锋利的磨削表面。
Grinding wheels incorporate natural or synthetic abrasives which have been bonded with a vitrified or organic binder ; - thin grinding wheels are formed from bonded abrasives which have been reinforced with fiberglass mesh -固结磨具或称砂轮:其中含有天然或合成磨料并使用无机玻璃或有机树脂作为结合剂,使磨料颗粒固结成形,固结磨具中也包括使用玻璃纤维网片增强的树脂切割片