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English translation for "有馅的"


Related Translations:
擦馅:  mixing filling
填馅:  stuffing
浆果馅:  berry filling
甜馅:  mincemeat
馅芯:  filler
馅鸡:  stuffed chicken
脱水馅:  dehydrated mince
馅包子:  wqf
装馅:  stuffing
馅糕:  patty; pattie
Example Sentences:
1.Avoid bread with filling or biscuits laden with fat such as cocktail bun , cookies , cream wafer , etc . which are higher in fat or sugar . wheat bread , dinner roll , saltine crackers , and tea biscuits , etc make better selections
2.Not that the invention could ever be proven - the idea of slipping a flattened disk of dough graced with a topping into a hot oven and baking it quickly is amazingly simple , and many people must have come up with it independently
这个发明其实用不着证实? ?将一个上面有馅的面饼放在一个平底圆盘上,然后再放入炽热的烤箱里烘烤,这个想法是惊人的简单,相信很多人都能独立地想出来。
3.Avoid deep - fried products and choose items like rice noodle , macaroni , and spaghetti instead . avoid bread with filling or biscuits laden with fat such as cocktail bun , cookies , cream wafer , etc . which are higher in fat or sugar . wheat bread , dinner roll , saltine crackers , and tea biscuits , etc make better selections
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