I ran to the cupboard, and sure enough, found there a blue phial of medicine, with the dose written on it on a paper . 我奔到橱子那儿,真的,我在那里面找到一蓝色的药瓶,瓶上贴着的一张纸说明了服法。
Dosage : 1 tablet a day , may increase to 2 tablets when necessary 服法:每天一粒,若有需要可增加至两粒。
To be taken twice daily , preferable one in the morning and one at night on an empty stomach 服法: 1 .每天早晚各一粒,空腹服用,效果更佳。
All medicines for lupus should be taken exactly as the proider orders them and only for the length of time ordered 所有治疗狼疮药物的服法和用药时间都应该严格按照医嘱执行。
This article concludes and discusses his method in the aspects below : the acute and serious diseases ' diagnosis and treatment , the characters of prescription according to the different symptoms , the characters of herb about the boiling and taking and the method of recovering from the serious diseases 本文从其治疗急危重症的诊疗程序、辨证用药特点、药物煎服法特色以及大病重症的调摄善后等方面进行了初步归纳探讨。
On this basis , they should be able to draw a clear distinction between legal and illegal actions or criminal and non - criminal acts and become fully aware of the danger and legal consequences of criminal actions , so that they may admit their guilt , obey the laws and voluntarily accept reform 在此基础上使他们分清合法与违法行为的界限、犯罪行为与非犯罪行为的界限,充分认识犯罪行为的危害性和法律责任,从而认罪服法,自觉接受改造。