The core recovery of this well is about 90 % 本井的岩心收获率是90 %在右。
6 the mud materials consumption of this interval were listed in here 本井段的泥浆材料消耗情况列在这里。
Can you tell me where the main interval with oil & gas showing is 你能告诉我本井的主要油气显示段在哪吗?
The main interval with oil & gas showing in the well is a tertiary formation 本井的主要油气显示段在第三系。
19 the mud volume estimated is based on 80 % of efficiency of solids control equipment behavior 按固控设备清除效率80计算本井的泥浆材料消耗量。
Tighten up fluid loss to give hthp fluid loss of < 15 with additions of drispac r / sl . before section td change to kemseal at 1 ~ 3 pounds per barrel 用高粘或低粘锥斯派克控制失水,使高温高压失水小于15 。在钻完本井段之前,改用每桶钻井液加1 ~ 3磅的基母西尔。