| 1. | Comments on the research of zhu shu - zhen in recent 10 years 近10年朱淑真研究述评 |
| 2. | The comparison of words between liqingzhao and zhushuzhen 李清照与朱淑真词的比较 |
| 3. | Zhu shu - zhen ' s impact on the image of lin dai - yu 朱淑真对林黛玉形象的影响 |
| 4. | Rhyme in the poems by li qingzhao and zhu shuzhen 朱淑真的梅花妆情结 |
| 5. | A review of the researches on zhu shuzhen ' s life 朱淑真生平研究综述 |
| 6. | The feeling of being cynical on zhu shuzhen ' s life history and marriage 再探朱淑真的身世和婚恋 |
| 7. | Wei wan and zhu shuzhen ' s theory on ci poems 魏玩与朱淑真词论 |
| 8. | Zhu shilin ' s biography and filmography 论朱淑真和她的诗歌创作 |
| 9. | Differences between li qingzhao ' s and zhu shuzhen ' s ci - poems in acceptance 李清照与朱淑真词接受差异论析 |
| 10. | Zhu shuzhen ' s acceptance phenomenon 朱淑真接受现象论析 |