The idea of justice and benefit of the eclectics in pre - qin 先秦杂家义利观探微
The quality of tcafl teachers should be the comprehensive abilities of a sage that is , quality of subject structure and quality of comprehensive abilities “对外汉语教师”素质应具备“杂家”的综合能力,即:学科结构素质和综合能力素质。
The author hereby provides 30 amendments to the defects and errors in the eclectics category in the aspects of the authors ' names , native places , imperial civil examinations , official careers and the contents of their works 现就杂家类杂纂之属存目部分有关编著者姓名、字号、籍贯、科第、仕履及著作内容等方面的疏漏和讹误,再补正30条。