It has become clear that the distinction between adaptation and adaptive strategies is more or less a question of expediency . 适应和适应策略之间的区分多少是一个权宜手段问题,这一点已经很明显了。
The sound works continue with and are discrete from the larger sonic environment 意愿与权宜,作品处于独而不孤的状态。
This is just a quick q & a as a stopgap until a real driver writers ' power management guide is available 在真正的驱动编写者电源管理指南出来之前这份快速要点q & a仅作权宜之策。
The helicopter carriers would act as a stopgap for aircraft carriers that the chinese navy wanted to build , despite lacking the capability to do so 直升机航母将作为权宜为中国海军的航空母舰要盖,尽管缺乏能力这样做
Churchill knew that one secret to a self you can respect is to choose a course of action based on what is right , not expedient , and not waver from it when criticized 邱吉尔知道自重的秘决,选择自己的行动在建立在是否正确的之上,是否权宜,而且不因批评而动摇
Churchill knew that one secret to a self you can respect is to choose a course of action based on what is right , not expedient , and not waver from it when criticized 丘吉尔懂得自重的一个秘诀,就是选择自己的行动要建立在它是否正确,不是权宜,不要因受到批评而动摇。
In the existing laws arid regulations related to the teacher certification system , there is a certain degree of ambiguity and lack of long - term sight about the validity 我国现行的教师资格制度相关法律法规中,对于教师资格有效性问题的规定和措施,较为笼统,带有一定的权宜性。
Of course we can , and do deceive ourselves and too often allow expediency to have so much influence on our motives that the ideal is forgotten and we adopt the standards of " the world " 当然,我们会(也的确会)欺骗自己,我们往往允许“权宜”影响到我们的动机,竟至把理想忘掉,从而采取“一般”的标准。
Of the three major left - wing companies , we are only dealing with great wall and feng huang in this volume . because of space limitations , sun luen film company , which produced cantonese films , had to wait 由于篇幅所限,长凤新中我们权宜暂且先集中于长城凤凰这两家背景比较接近的国语片公司,至于拍摄粤语片的新联,则要留待另一次机会了。
If the abused child is in life - threatening situation or in critical condition and must receive immediate medical examination or treatment , the attending doctor can exercise discretion in such a life or death situation without first obtaining consent from the parties concerned 若受虐儿童有性命之虞或情况危殆,必须尽速接受医疗检查或治疗,在这种生死攸关的时刻,医生可权宜行事,无须事先取得有关方面的同意。