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English translation for "来回摆动"

to-and-fro movement

Related Translations:
来回:  1.(往复一次) make a round trip; make a return journey; go to a place and come back 短语和例子打来回儿 make a round trip; 从我家到学校来回要走半小时。 it takes half an hour to go on foot from my home to my school and
来回运动:  backandforth movementshuttle
来回程:  round tripround voyageround-trip
来回时间:  roundtrip time
来回车票:  return ticket /round-triticket
来回航程:  ply voyage
来回缝:  french seam
来回机票:  round-triticket
来回击球:  bandy
来回溜达:  stroll back and forth
Example Sentences:
1.He discovered that the rattle came from a hanging oil lamp that was swinging back and forth .
2.Then he set the ropes to swing back and forth, like the lamps in the cathedral .
3.The windshield wipers swished back and forth monotonously
4.The climbing perch " walks " by standing up on its fins and moving its tail back and forth
5.Sacrifizio incruento , stephen said smiling , swaying his ashplant in slow swingswong from its midpoint , lightly
6.The only movements were those of the milkers hands up and down , and the swing of the cows tails
7.Swimmers should take care not to reach their arms across the centerline of the body , or they will end up wiggling their way down the lane
8.This machine is used for book cover mounting , the tumbling box come and go , which will holding - in paper into paperboard . simple operated , quick add the favorable price , it is popular in clients
9.With gods help ! cried bagration in a resolute , sonorous voice . he turned for one instant to the front line , and swinging his arms a little , with the awkward , lumbering gait of a man always on horseback , he walked forward over the uneven ground
10.Between the posts were ranged the milchers , each exhibiting herself at the present moment to a whimsical eye in the rear as a circle on two stalks , down the centre of which a switch moved pendulum - wise ; while the sun , lowering itself behind this patient row , threw their shadows accurately inwards upon the wall
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