| 1. | Management is frozen-face and silent . 公司方面的人板着脸,默不做声。 |
| 2. | Thomas scowled as he read the letter . 托马斯读这封信时,板着脸。 |
| 3. | Why did she draw back and look so grave at me . 她为什么要畏畏缩缩,板着脸看我? |
| 4. | He was as if afraid of his still-faced clerks . 他好象是怕他们板着脸的雇员似的。 |
| 5. | I've been as stiff as herself . 我和她一样板着脸。 |
| 6. | Her face was set . 她板着脸。 |
| 7. | He returned frowning, his face obstinate but whistling jauntily . 他回来时皱眉蹙额,板着脸,嘴上却快活地吹着口哨。 |
| 8. | Such promises, said apacides sullenly, are the tricks by which man is ever gulled . 阿帕奥得斯板着脸说:这种诺言是骗人的诡计。 |
| 9. | Mrs. bolton with considerable asperity said that she had a headache, and would much rather go home . 包尔顿太太却板着脸,她说她有些头痛,最好还是回家。 |
| 10. | With stern and austere gravity he persevered in his task, after having just raised his head to notice the advance of the stranger . 他偶尔抬头看到一个陌生人走过来,却依旧板着脸一本正经地干他的活。 |