The recent behaviour of the swap market suggests that confidence in the linked exchange rate is the highest we have seen 从掉期市场近期走势可见,市场对联系汇率的信心正达到极高水平。
What it does prove is that extremely high levels of insulation and air - tightness can be achieved at a cost which is quite acceptable for a quality domestic building 它证明了即使做到极高水平的隔热和气密性,造价也可以降到高品质家庭住宅可以接受的程度。
Bachelor degree professional qualification awarded by a nationally or internationally recognized or acclaimed professional body which demonstrates that the holder has a very high level of technical expertise or skill 学士学位/由国家或国际认可或著名的专业团体颁授,证明持有人具有极高水平的专门知识或专业技能的专业资格