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English translation for "构架系统"

frame system

Related Translations:
构架法:  framework method
车身构架:  framework of body
结构构架:  structural framestructural framing
主构架:  king trussleading frame
构架间距:  frame spacetruss spacing
际会构架:  secondary structure
连续构架:  continuous frame
构架梁:  frame girderframe gridertru girdertruss girdertrussed spartrussgirder
活动构架:  movable frame
裸构架:  naked frame
Example Sentences:
1.Space frame systems public works category
2.Space frame systems
3.To solve the connection of spatial data and attribule data , this system has a dual architecture
4.Land piling , space frame system , landscaping , air - conditioning , audio electronics , burglar alarm and security , electrical , uninterruptible power supply , fire services , fountain , lift , escalator and passenger conveyor , mechanical plant and equipment , repair and restoration of historic buildings , etc
5.4 ) according to the application of crm system based on b / s pattern in the guizhou yibai medicine limited company , to explain the press of how to set up a crm system based on b / s pattern , which include to understand the customer require with , analyzing the business process , establishing the solution , install system frame and realize the system
4 )最后,本文以在贵州益佰制药有限公司实施的销售管理crm系统为例,说明如何成功地架构一个基于b s模式的crm系统。其中包括了解客户需求,分析业务流程,建立解决方案,构架系统框架,系统的实施情况等。
6.Based on the orient object and the theory of component , this thesis completes demand analysis . the system puts forward a framework by means of the componential structure of orient object and the idea of realizing the data communication among the individual components of the system through software bus
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