English translation for "果然 "
[ guǒrán ] really; as expected; sure enough 短语和例子 果然名不虚传 a really well-deserved reputation; 果然不出所料 just as one expected; 昨天预报有小雨, 今天果然下起来了。 yesterday the radio forecast drizzle, and today it is indeed raining Related Translations:果然有用 : really useful or helpful really works
小果然 : list of pokémon #wynaut
天气预报果然灵验 : the weather forecast turned out to be accurate
她说的话果然灵验 : what she said is proved to be correct
Example Sentences: 1. He wrote his letter to hayward all the same . 他果然 给海沃德写了信。 2. Sure enough, tremaine lost his job .果然 不出所料,屈里曼丢了工作。 3. At a subsequent time he relapsed . 后来有一次,他的老毛病果然 又发作了。 4. I said it would be , and sure enough it is ...果然 被我说中了。 5. What she said is proved to be correct . 她说的话果然 灵验。 6. I said it would happen , and sure enough it did . 我说过要有这样的事,果然 如此。 7. Smaller radios and newspapers did go under . 规模小一点的电台和报社果然 就给搞垮了。 8. His prophecy has now come true . 他的预言果然 应验了。 9. They set a trap for him and he walked right into it . 他们设下圈套,他果然 落入其中。 10. I thought so, there he is, waiting on the pier . 不出我所料,他果然 在那里,在码头上等着。
Similar Words: "果葡糖浆" English translation , "果栖吉丁" English translation , "果脐" English translation , "果腔" English translation , "果球" English translation , "果然, 果真" English translation , "果然,不出所料" English translation , "果然不出所料" English translation , "果然不出我所料" English translation , "果然很难" English translation