校勘某书: he emended the typescript before sending it to the printers
Example Sentences:
Notes on the rules and forms of liaochai folk poems recontinued 聊斋俚曲格律和校勘注释又续
Collating lingshu classics according rhyme 的依韵校勘
Collating and interpretation are the two most basic primary tasks in the study of excavated documents 摘要校勘与考释是整理出土文献的两项基本工作。
Carefully proofread and corrected , the series is easy to read with the clear annotations and colloquial translations 该书精心校勘,加以注解和白话翻译,易读易懂。
According to its function , the terms of gao ' s annotations can be divided into : definition , pronunoncition , quotation and verification 高注术语根据其功能,分为释义、标音、引言、校勘四大类。
But there are unnecessary and improper questions , wrong collations and criticisms , and partial comments , which are the weak points of the book 该书的不足有不当疑或疑而不当、校勘考证失误、评论不当等。
Meanwhile , lizhu collection also has literature significance which provides us with literary and historical information for further study 同时,从文献角度说, 《离珠集》具有较高的辑佚、校勘和文学史料等价值。
Although there is mr . dong zhiguang ’ s " panyue collection calibration " , it pays more attention in collation and has quite oversights in calibration 虽有董志广先生《潘岳集校注》一书,但其重在“注” ,于校勘少有涉及。
During the course of checking , i selected the edition that is delicate and had valves for us , and i use many ways such as comparison 校勘过程中,对征引《尸子》之书择取善本,主要运用他校、对校,兼采本校、理校等法进行。
Call determines the character set , error messages catalogs , monetary value formatting , numerical conventions , string collation , and alphabetic ordering 来确定字符集、错误消息类别、货币值格式、数字转换、字符串校勘和字母排序。