| 1. | Measurement and instrument of addendum circle and dedendum circle diameter of odd tooth gears 奇数齿齿轮齿顶圆与齿根圆直径的测量及其量具 |
| 2. | When i got to the three log doorsteps i heard them unlocking and unbarring and unbolting 等到我走到了由三根圆木搭的台阶时,我听到了开锁拉开门闩去插销的声音。 |
| 3. | Napoleon looked up and down the river , got off his horse , and sat down on a log that lay on the bank 拿破仑仔细观察那条河,然后下了马,在河岸上一根圆木上坐下来。 |
| 4. | It is called logging because in this state , a dolphin resembles a log floating at the water ' s surface 这被称做“代运木材” ,因为在这种状态下,一条海豚很像漂浮在水面上的一根圆木。 |
| 5. | There was an old horse - blanket nailed against the logs at the far end of the cabin behind the table , to keep the wind from blowing through the chinks and putting the candle out 有一块用来遮马的旧毯子,原钉在桌子后面木屋尽头的一根圆木上,是为了免得风从木头缝缝里钻进来,把蜡烛给吹熄了。 |
| 6. | Debris had broken windows , so every once in a while some floating battering ram ? a log or perhaps a table ? would bang into the walls and make a sound like a distant drum 随水冲进来的碎石片击碎了窗户玻璃,偶尔,飘浮在水上的撞击物? ?一根圆木,也有可能是一张桌子? -会猛烈地撞到墙上,发出的声音像是远方传来的鼓声。 |
| 7. | I went up and set down on a log at the head of the island , and looked out on the big river and the black driftwood and away over to the town , three mile away , where there was three or four lights twinkling 我上了岸,坐在岛顶端一根圆木上,朝外一望,只见前边是大河,还有黑森森漂流着的木头,三英里路外便是镇上了,只见三四点光亮在闪闪烁烁。 |
| 8. | Contact pressure , hysteresis and no - even pressure ratio of no - gradual - enlargement finger seal under different length ratio and root circle of no - gradual - enlargement finger seal are constructed and analyzed , rules are summarized 本文对非渐扩形结构指尖密封在不同宽度比和根圆外径下的接触压力、迟滞率及偏载率等特性进行了作图、分析,得出了相应的规律。 |
| 9. | This paper presents a manufacture and calculating method for castellated beams . according to the method , three beams are designed and tested , the detailed and trustworthy experimental data are obtained . in comparison of the castellated beam with the circular hole castellated beams during the process , that the yield of load and the strength limit for the latter are higher than the former is verified 本文通过设计制造两种不同截面形式的3根蜂窝梁( 2根圆孔、 1根六边形孔) ,进行了两点集中荷载下的试验,取得了较为翔实可靠的试验数据,通过整理与分析,对两种蜂窝梁的整体受力性能和承载力作出评价,得出圆孔蜂窝梁的屈服荷载和极限承载力都高于六边形孔蜂窝梁的结论。 |