| 1. | He drove to the tenement and knocked on igace's door . 他把车子开到公寓大楼,叩响伊格内斯的房门。 |
| 2. | Ignace hurried away from the door as gruber left in anger . 格鲁勃忿然离去,伊格内斯也匆匆离开门口。 |
| 3. | Ignace victoriously ascended the stairs and knocked on kessler's door . 伊格内斯踌躇满志地登上楼梯,敲响了凯斯勒的房门。 |
| 4. | "why", said ignatius gallaher, vehemently, "do you know what it is? " “怎么,”伊格内修斯加拉赫狠狠地说,“你懂得什么?” |
| 5. | Ignace found in his letter box a soiled folded paper containing kessler's twenty-five dollars . 伊格内斯在他的信箱里发现一张折起来的脏纸,里面夹着凯斯勒的25美元。 |
| 6. | Navigating within an element grid in schema view 在“架构”视图的元素窗格内导航 |
| 7. | Control arranges its child controls in a grid 控件在一个网格内排列其子控件。 |
| 8. | Called when the mouse pointer moves within a cell 当鼠标指针在单元格内移动时调用。 |
| 9. | 3 . in the right pane , click the resource you want 3 .在右窗格内,单击想要的资源。 |
| 10. | Multiple controls within cells are not permitted 单元格内不允许有多个控件 |