[ jiéáobùxún ] (凶暴而倔强) wild and intractable; arrogant and unyielding; harsh and cruel; obstinate and unruly; proud and overbearing; stubborn and intractable
Example Sentences:
He faced the raging crowd with defiance . 他桀骜不驯地面对着愤怒的人群。
The stream had a force and a persistence which seemed alive . 这条河真可说是桀骜不驯,猛不可当。
The old gentleman was in so savage a mood, that his humour was to contradict everybody . 这个老人天生桀骜不驯,他的脾气就是要反对每一个人。
He was bare-headed, and the leaves had tossed his rebellious curls and tangled all their gilded threads . 他没戴帽子,树叶搅乱了他那桀骜不驯的卷发,叫所有那些发丝都纠结起来。
It was, therefore, not only in burst of youthful rebelliousness that i found the luxurious social life at home not to my liking . 我不喜欢家庭奢靡的社交生活,这不单在于青年人的桀骜不驯。
I saw its ordered happiness , but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course 我也看到了它那井然有序的幸福,但我血液里的冲动却渴望一种更桀骜不驯的旅程。
Living close to the ravines of mountains , bizika people have been hardworking , sincere and honest 于千山万壑间,比兹卡勤劳朴实又桀骜不驯,乐观豁达又粗犷豪迈。
To a western eye , [ they ] seem poorly dressed , ill - groomed , dour and preoccupied ( peter lewis ) 在西方人看来,显得似乎衣着寒碜,不修边幅,桀骜不驯(彼得?刘易斯) 。
Also , as unruly students disrespectfully humiliated their teachers , i felt lucky because master always teaches us to accommodate everything with love 当时,有些学生比较桀骜不驯,不高兴时会随口辱骂师长,幸好师父教我们用爱心包容一切。
The defiant iraqi government , the anglo - american coalition and the splintered security council itself all have been on the receiving end of his pointed reminders 他尖刻的提示目标直指桀骜不驯的伊拉克政府,英美联盟以及四分五裂的安理会。