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English translation for "检索信息"

retrieves information

Related Translations:
文件检索:  document retrieval,drdr document retrievalfile searching
检索程序:  retrieval programsearch program
一次性检索:  one search
智能检索:  intelligent retrieval
上下文检索:  context search
检索 报告:  search report
检索对象:  search in
求职检索:  national jobs
结构检索:  structural retrievalstructure retrieval
远程检索:  telereference
Example Sentences:
1.How to : retrieve information from an error object
2.Method to retrieve and convert information from the
3.Err object , and how to retrieve information from errors
4.To retrieve information from an error object
5.How to : retrieve information from the parent form of a dialog box
6.To retrieve the information from a service broker error message
从service broker错误消息中检索信息
7.Error retrieving information from user datastore devices
8.A wmi query language statement that is used to retrieve information
9.Dialog boxes are used to interact with the user and retrieve information
10.It defines methods to retrieve information on the root cause of an error
Similar Words:
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