Sarah kneebone is a beautiful woman with blue eyes . she talked vividly about the close relations between flora and human beings 标致的蓝眼美女。关于植物与人类的密切关系,在她生动的故事中也变得徒然生动起来。
It is a big scale botanical hall that introduces relation by the tropical flora and a life of people ; highlights are full load the exoticism scenery of the tropical flora and plants in a big greenhouse . scheduled about the meeting of exhibition of plants which appeared in the horticulture community newly recently in spring 在超大规模的植物馆里介绍热带植物与人类生活的密切关系,大温室的热带植物和异国风情的植物景观等非常精彩。还将举办在春季园艺界新近登场的植物展示会。