I'm breaking my neck at two jobs so i don't fall behind in my bills . 为了不至于欠账,现在我奔命于两份差事。
H late payment and referral charges H过期缴款附加费及追讨欠账的费用。
I late payment and referral charges I过期缴款附加费及追讨欠账的费用
I late payment and referral charges I过期缴款附加费及追讨欠账的费用
All his creditors came down on him for prompt payment of his bills when they heard of his financial difficulties 他的债主听到他发生经济困难,一齐向他提出立即付清欠账的要求。
I suggest that every time you make a purchase , you don ' t have to physically pay for it . its value will be deducted from what we owe you 我建议,每次你们向我们采购的时候,你们不必真的付钱,其价值将从我们对你们的欠账中扣除。
Now in china the situation of fulfillment crm is not good because the debt of companies is very large and the implement of crm is very difficult 由于中国企业管理欠账多, crm实施技术难点多等原因, crm目前在我国的实施情况并不理想。
But my mother , frightened as she was , would not consent to take a fraction more than was due to her , and was obstinately unwilling to be content with less 但是我的母亲,尽管她也害怕,却不肯多拿走欠账之外的一个子儿,同时也固执地不肯少拿一个子儿。
The situation of implementing erp in china is not very good because there are a good many arrears in china ' s enterprises management and a lot of difficulties in erp implementing technology 由于中国企业管理欠账多, erp实施技术难点多等原因, erp目前在我国的实施情况并不理想。如何成功实施erp已成为中国企业急待解决的问题。
But during the long time , middle - scale - cities planning and construction in roadway system have lack too much capital , and middle - scale - cities ca n ' t fit to the development of urban economic , so many problems have exposed . road transportation is the main components of the city function and basic facilities and is also the essential conditions of the city relying for existence , development maintaining normal working . at the present , the planning capacity is weak , and our research is only on big city ' s road planning , so it is necessary to study on the middle - scale - cities road system 但是长期以来,中等城市道路系统的规划建设欠账太多,已不能适应城市经济快速发展,暴露出许多问题。道路交通运输是城市基本职能和物质基础要素的重要组成部分,也是城市赖以生存、发展、维持正常运转的必要条件之一。由于我国城市道路规划起步较晚,规划力量十分薄弱,目前主要精力集中在大城市的道路规划与研究方面,因此,对中等城市道路系统的规划发展作些探讨已非常必要。