sing merits and praise virtues -- flatter; chant one's praises and sing of someone's virtue; eulogize sb.'s virtues and achievements; eulogize the deeds and virtues of ...; flattery and exaggerated praise; glorify a ruler's character and accomplishments; heap praises and eulogies on ...; eulogistic literature; sing paeans (for ...); sing the praises of someone
He was always particularly ready for anything in the way of a testimonial to any one . 对任何人他都喜欢歌功颂德。
It is no time for adulation. the smoothness of flattery cannot save us, in this rugged and awful crisis . 现在不是歌功颂德的时候。在这道路坎坷、征途艰险的时刻,甘言谀词不能解救我们。
As the puritans condemned the images and incense of the roman church, so in literature they distrusted the highly coloured . 由于清教徒遣责罗马教会顶礼膜拜,歌功颂德的做法,所以他们在文学上反对粉饰。
Now to the lord sing praises , 现在主歌功颂德,
This kind of way of making money to have not conscience at all , where always be really need our media 这种一点良心也没有的赚钱方式,真的需要我们的媒体老是在那里歌功颂德吗?
Don t trouble yourself to give her a character , returned mr . rochester : eulogiums will not bias me ; i shall judge for myself . she began by felling my horse “别忙着给她作鉴定了, ”罗切斯特先生回答说, “歌功颂德并不能使我偏听偏信,我会自己作出判断。
The early tang poetry carried on the tradition of showy language and some weaknesses inherent in the poetry of the southern dynasty , and its content was mainly about the eulogy of achievements and entertainment 摘要初唐诗歌继承了南朝的绮靡诗风,不但南朝诗歌固有的一些弊病没有得到纠正,而且,诗歌的内容也大抵是歌功颂德或以文辞为娱乐的。
Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds , asking of fiction that it shall be true , of poetry that it shall be false , of biography that it shall be flattering , of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices 通常我们总是三心二意地带着狭隘的观念去看书:要求小说情节真实,要求诗歌高于生活,要求传记歌功颂德,要求历史能加深己见。
Maintaining an open forum for studies , with no restrictions on their types , forms or subjects , and least of all insisting on hagiographies . we do not claim to have found the perfect balance for such an endeavour , knowing very well that there is still much room for improvement . last but not least , our most grateful thanks to each and everyone who has contributed to the book 在编辑国泰故事和本书时,一直都抱两个宗旨:一尽量为研究者提供一些基本上比较准确的资料二为作者们提供一个比较开放的园地,容纳不同类型的论述,而不拘泥于一种形式,对于研究的对象,当然也不会只是隐恶扬善,歌功颂德。