| 1. | Shaw movies soundtrack compilation - romantic classics 歌舞升平-旖旎瑰丽的歌声舞影 |
| 2. | Shaw movies soundtrack compilation - greatest hits from musicals 邵氏电影金曲精选-歌舞升平 |
| 3. | It ' s the age of peace and prosperity 这是个歌舞升平的年代 |
| 4. | Carve and adorn the line hiddenly carefully , make the shape vivid and lifelike 这不仅再现了飞天画像,而且也是唐代歌舞升平盛世的反映,不愧为传世珍宝。 |
| 5. | When she was still not too experienced in filming , i had worked with her in the movie of [ musical singer ] 在她拍电影经验尚浅的日子,曾和她合演过余允抗导演的《歌舞升平》 。 |
| 6. | “ despair and despondency stream in a fine day and an enchanting scene , " this was characteristic of that era 歌舞升平的良辰美景下,却流淌着一股绝望、消沉的潜流” ,这就是那个时代的特征。 |
| 7. | While the country ' s leader was away cruising on his yacht there was a military take - over of the government ? a typical case of fiddling while rome burns 正当这个国家的领导人乘着游艇巡游之时,军方接管了政府一个大难临头,依然歌舞升平的典型事例。 |
| 8. | After a few food king at the beginning of ming dynasty , the country become one of the strongest ever . economy is good , people living peacefully . but . . . . . 大明王朝经过几代开国帝皇的励精图治后,国土强域博大国力目趋强盛社会经济文化繁荣呈现一片国泰民安歌舞升平的盛世景象 |
| 9. | Show you the secret of of ming dynasty after a few food king at the beginning of ming dynasty , the country become one of the strongest ever . economy is good , people living peacefully . but . . . . 大明王朝经过几代开国帝皇的励精图治后,国土强域博大国力目趋强盛社会经济文化繁荣呈现一片国泰民安歌舞升平的盛世景象 |
| 10. | California has more than 800 wineries , with over half of them in the russian river and napa - sonoma areas . napa valley is located just 43 miles north of san francisco , is the best known of california s wine district 酒不醉人,人自醉您或许会认为酒总离不开喧闹杯盘狼藉歌舞升平,却没有想到在那帕的葡萄园里品酒,也能如此这般浪漫。 |