| 1. | That is just the thing for me . 那正合我的心意,那对我正好。 |
| 2. | It suits me to put up with him . 宽容他正合我的心意。 |
| 3. | You've done just right to tell the story leisurely . 你这样慢条斯理地讲故事正合我的意。 |
| 4. | We have a discussion of how they behave for exact sequences . 我们讨论了它们在正合序列中的动态。 |
| 5. | It suits me nicely . 那正合我意。 |
| 6. | The proof shows that any functor which is a left adjoint is right exact . 该证明指出,任一函子,如果是一个左伴随,就右正合。 |
| 7. | He was made to order for bethune, who now invoked his famous dictum with a vengeance . 他正合白求恩的口味,白求恩彻头彻尾遵循他的名言。 |
| 8. | There is an air of prescription about him which is always agreeable to sir leicester; he receives it as a kind of tribute . 他带着一种唯命是从的神态,这正合累斯特爵士的口味,认为这是一种敬意。 |
| 9. | He turned on a sudden, on one side of us, and seeing a great oak-tree, fit for his purpose, he beckoned to us to follow . 突然之间,他掉转身子,从我们旁边跑开了。他看见那边有一棵大橡树正合他的需要,就向我们招手,叫我们跟上去。 |
| 10. | The ostensible reason of his appearance was the discovery, the very night before, of a perfect little house, not in the market, which was really just the thing for her . 他突然到来的表面理由是在前一天晚上他发现了一座“极好的小屋”,正合她的意,屋子不是在闹市。 |