| 1. | Air rarotonga does not fly there regularly 来往拉罗汤加岛的飞机不正常飞行。 |
| 2. | Poor turn round time of aircraft can affect schedule 周转时间不足会影响飞机按航班时刻表正常飞行。 |
| 3. | First , to research the reconfigurable flight control system , a flight simulation system of normal aircraft with normal flight control law is established 首先,为了自修复飞行控制系统研究,建立了具有正常飞行控制律的正常飞机飞行仿真系统。 |
| 4. | Cement left wing and right wing together , make sure they are in a line , otherwise the airplane model can ' t normal flight and will cause serious flight accidents , and crash models 左右机翼一定要前后、上下对齐并粘牢,否则模型将不能正常飞行甚至造成严重的飞行事故,从而摔毁模型。 |
| 5. | By providing the clock round services , these centers and stores have helped to improve the after sale product support , and have played a very important role in respect of flight safety and regularity 从而有效地改进了产品的售后服务工作,同时对保证航空公司的飞机安全正常飞行,也起到了积极的作用。 |
| 6. | This dissertation investigates design of reconfigurable flight control systems of a certain model hale uav which is supported by initiative research project fund of china during the 10th 5 year plan 本文以我国某型高空长航时无人机预研项目为背景,设计具有高生存力的可重构飞行控制系统,实现单一故障条件下飞机的可靠正常飞行。 |
| 7. | Left untended , the aging fleet combined with the continued stress of current operations , inevitably will mean diminished performance despite the services ' innovative efforts to keep the aircraft flying 没有什么人会注意到,机群的老化加上现在高强度的使用,无论军方如何创新来努力维持飞机的正常飞行都将不可避免地会影响到性能的表现。 |
| 8. | Article 196 a person who deliberately transmits false information and disturbs the normal order of flight , resulting in serious losses to public or private property , shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of article 158 of the criminal law 第一百九十六条故意传递虚假情报,扰乱正常飞行秩序,使公私财产遭受重大损失的,依照刑法第一百五十八条的规定追究刑事责任。 |
| 9. | Due to the mechanism of the aircraft , the testing equipments are always expensive and inadequate for maintenance . therefore , it is difficult to do the regular inspection and maintenance . consequently , the regular flight and training program cannot be ensured 因受飞机制式影响,该飞机在部队使用维护及大修厂大修过程中,经常因为检测设备的短缺、昂贵,造成无法对机载设备进行正常的定检和维修,影响正常飞行、训练。 |