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English translation for "正骨"

[ zhènggǔ ] 
[中医] ulna; bone setting; bone knitting
◇正骨科 specialty of bone setting; 正骨 (手)法 bonesetting

Related Translations:
正骨者:  bone setter
正骨器:  orthotast
正骨推拿:  orthopedic tuina
正骨法:  bone settingbone-setting
中医正骨:  the journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology
正骨科:  bone-setting departmentdepartment of bond-settingspecialty of bone-setting
正骨水:  bone setting liquorbone-setting liquorbonesetting liquid
正骨手法:  bone-reduction maneuvermanipulation of bone-setting
正骨工具:  tools for bone-setting
正骨因子:  positive bone factor
Example Sentences:
1.The doctor will set dan ' s broken leg
2.Prof . chen jizhang ' s experience on the treatment of fracture and osteopathy
3.The study on the integration of information technology into university physics teaching
4.Treatment of atlanto - axial subluxation with traction and bonesetting for 300 cases
5.Study to the standardization of english translation of chinese manipulation nomenclature
6.Effect of bone - setting manipulation treatment for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation on its first run
7.Introduction of doctor du zi - ming ' s manipulation of restoring and treating injured soft tissues and fractures
8.There are currently 70 state medical boards authorized to regulate allopathic and osteopathic physicians
9.Multi - centre clinical research of middle and inferior fracture of ulna and radius by three pace bone setting manipulation
10.A presentation and research of the computer ' s multi - media to the practitioner wu dinghuan ' s quot; palace manipulation of bone - setting quot
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