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English translation for "此日期前食用"

use by

Related Translations:
判定为不适食用的肉:  condemned meat
借此:  dadurch
此常:  konotsunekoritsune
只此:  thus much
此属性:  attribute
此与:  xy
关于此:  hereon
此夜绵绵:  endless night
储存此项目:  save this project
了此心愿:  fulfill this wish; fulfill one's wish
Example Sentences:
1.Selling food beyond its best before or use by date
2.3 indication of use by or best before date
3 “此日期前食用”或“此日期前最佳”日期的说明
3.Can you tell the difference between use by and best before date
4.Best before or use by date
5.4 . what is the format to display best before or use by date on food label
4 .在食物标签上展示“此日期前最佳”或“此日期前食用”日期须依照什么格式
6.The food labeled with " use by . " is generally more perishable and should not be used for human consumption after the specified date
86 . 7 2 .根据现时法例,出售超过此日期前食用
7.Avoid stocking up large amounts of food . check expiry dates of pre - packaged foods before buying , e . g . " used by dates " and " best before dates "
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