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English translation for "步入会场"

walk into the assembly hall

Related Translations:
步入:  step in [into]: 步入新闻界 step into journalism
步入时代:  enter the agestep into the age
步入文学界:  going to the territory
步入深渊:  into the abyss
步入歧途:  take the wrong turning
步入潜伏期:  step-through latency
步入辉煌:  stepping into prosperity
步入新闻界:  stinto journalism
步入类资产负债表:  revenue balance sheet
步入式衣帽间:  lock room
Example Sentences:
1.Some 2 , 600 athletes from the more than 80 countries and territories marched into the stadium accompanied by american pop music from the 1970s and 1980s
2.But as soon as i walked in , the chipper australian chairwoman of the welcome committee grabbed me by the arm and dragged me across the room , triumphantly introducing me to tom
3.Mr . rong yiren , former chairman of citic , and mr . jing shuping , former chairman of ciec , at the banquet hall to celerate the 10th anniversary of ciec
4.At 09 : 43 , in the meeting room of chinese charity total association , mr . fanbaojun , mr . suqingyu , mr . dengpeixing and mr . wangsanxue stepped into the meeting room and sat down to discuss the issues
5.She made the olympics , not once , but five times she won a gold medal in the swimming competition . ill not soon forget the night i watched the opening of the 1996 olympics in atlanta on television as the olympic contenders from all over the world paraded into the atlanta arena carrying their flags
我本想去亚特兰大欣赏奥运,但结果还是看电视,看见奥运选手们步入会场,一个国家接一个国家,成千上万名运动员站满了运动场中间的空地,我想该有15 , 000位选手。
6.Children dressed in traditional armenian costumes attentively stood in front of the entrance hall and greeted master as she entered . the children respectfully bowed to master , and following the tradition of welcoming guests to their country , offered bread and flowers as they escorted her through the hall onto the stage
Similar Words:
"步曲" English translation, "步人后尘" English translation, "步日耶" English translation, "步入" English translation, "步入辉煌" English translation, "步入类资产负债表" English translation, "步入歧途" English translation, "步入潜伏期" English translation, "步入深渊" English translation, "步入时代" English translation