Catered material and coating specification for electric appliance , instrument and weapon 电器仪表和武备涂料涂覆技术条件
This boat is characterized by great endurance and strong resistance against wind , c w certain weapons 本艇具有续航力大,抗风性强的特点,并配备一定的武备。
The " military storage " , " soldier ' s pay and provisions " and " material conveyance " at that time all belongs to the catalogue of logistics 当时的所谓“武备” 、 “馈饷” 、 “转输”等,都属于军队后勤的范畴。
A monthly publication on antiques and collectibles , focusing on the american southeast . articles , classifieds , information on dealers , shows and events -关于中国古剑日本刀剑军刀刺刀甲胄武备刀剑锻造等冷兵器收藏方面的相关知识文章及藏品展示。
The war preparation thought , " preparations first and then war " , is the summary of the thought of " winning first " , and is the sun wu ' s quintessence of preparing for attacking too 孙武“先胜而后求战”的备战思想,是对战争准备的深刻揭示,是“先胜”思想的总结,也是孙武备战思想的精华。
The final assembly was usually aided by using hydraulic lifting jacks , but in this case , the hull was placed on an elevated assembly jig in order to install the final components such as the running gear , turret , and armament 总装通常使用液压起重机,由于这个关系,车体被钓钩起钓升高位置,以便于安装例如传动装置、炮塔和武备等最后的部分。
The 25 - meter long craft boasted such impressive firepower and shield output that some armament registries listed the vessel as capital - class - - a designation usually reserved for vessels four times the size or larger 这艘25米长的船又如此值得自豪的活力和护盾输出,以至于有些武备登记处把这种船列为主力级,一个常常赋予比它大四倍以上的船只的级别。
At the meeting , yung proposed seven points as follows : 1 ) to organize an army on scientific principles ; 2 ) to establish a military school for the training of competent military officers ; 3 ) to establish a naval school for a navy ; 4 ) to establish a civil government with able and experienced men to act as advisers in the different departments of administration ; 5 ) to establish a banking system and to determine on a standard of weight and measure ; 6 ) to establish an educational system of graded schools for the people , making the bible one of the textbooks ; 7 ) to organize a system of industrial schools 陈述其“治国方略”共七条: 1 、依正当之军事制度,组织一支良好军队; 2 、设立武备学校,以养成多数有学识军官; 3 、建立海军学校; 4 、建设善良政府,聘用富有经验之人才,为各部行政顾问; 5 、创立银行制度,及厘定度量衡标准; 6 、颁定各级学校教育制度,以耶稣教圣经列为主课; 7 、设立各种实业学校。
This vessel is a fast fishery management ship made of steel , round bilge , single continuous deck , longitudinal framing , all - welded structure , double propellers and double rudders , c w certain weapon executing the fishery management and supervision along guangdong coasts . main engine model kta38 - m 本船主船体为钢质,圆舭单层连续甲板纵骨架式焊接结构甲板室为中后机双桨双舵小型高速艇型的高速渔政海监管理公务船,用于广东省沿海执行渔政海监管理任务,配备一定的武备。
There ' re different types in different period which is adapted the demand of war . now the books we can read just record some typical parts , and a lot of real and extant things are not in the recordation . besides that some recorded in books are not found again now , and due to it , it needs the players to compare and analyse the similar things , and work out the main threads 清武备在不同时期会有不同型制来适应战争的需求,现在我们能看到的书籍记载只是其中较典型的一部份,现存实物很多是书上没有记载的,也有书上曾记载的但在现今找不到实物的,这就须要玩家们从尽可能多的实物中做类比分析,理出头绪。