| 1. | Tai chi master jet li my father is a hero jet li 父子武状元又名:给爸爸的一封信 |
| 2. | Battling for the baby acted by real persons 父子武状元又名:给爸爸的一封信 |
| 3. | My father is a hero jet li the bodyguard from beijing jet li 父子武状元又名:给爸爸的一封信 |
| 4. | Once he throws a big , big birthday part in a brothel . so meets ju suan and falls in love with the virgin prostitute . she agrees to marry him only after he was won the national military arts championships 灿摆廿五岁寿宴之夜,选花魁选中清官人如霜,却嫌他未成大器,于是许诺夺得武状元归才附托终生。 |
| 5. | First of all it ' s a common saber , with a hilt damaged centuries ago . the dao owner , according to his favour , had the shabby hilt carved like that . it appears that the original owner was a cultured man who got the education as master 首先刀是普通军刀手柄在几个世纪前坏掉刀主根据个人喜爱把残柄雕刻成此样看来原刀主很有雅兴,修养也是很高,所受文化也是在进士或武状元级别。 |
| 6. | Vcd hk version - unless you are a hardcore sammi cheng or cecilia cheung s fans , you do not need the dvd version . it is not the kind of film that is necessary to have in your dvd collection . the only good thing about the visual elements is the costume design 当中虽然有一些新点子,例如七国运动会其实也不算新鲜,周星驰在武状元苏乞儿已经玩过类似情节,但是却未能好好发挥,只是一味胡胡混混,令人失望。 |
| 7. | Though king of beggars is regarded as one of best period film offerings from chow , a chinese odyssey part 1 and 2 where he took on the role of the chinese literary hero , the monkey king , were the most ambitious and uniformly entertaining 尽管《武状元苏乞儿》被认为是他这一时期最好的电影,但是,他以中国古典文学中的英雄形象孙悟空为角色演出的另外两部电影: 《月光宝盒》和《仙履奇缘》 ,成为最具雄心和娱乐性的作品。 |
| 8. | It is the wonderful cast , with decent performance by sammi cheng and anita mui , and the elegant costume design that save the film from turning into a disaster . vcd ( hk version ) - unless you are a hardcore sammi cheng or cecilia cheung s fans , you do not need the dvd version 当中虽然有一些新点子,例如七国运动会(其实也不算新鲜,周星驰在《武状元苏乞儿》已经玩过类似情节) ,但是却未能好好发挥,只是一味胡胡混混,令人失望。 |
| 9. | This incredible martial arts tv series tells the legendary story of so chan , leader of the beggar clan . as the spoiled son in a rich family , he was an arrogant bully . until his fateful meeting with " ugly girl " , who encouraged him to participate in a kung fu competition held in the nation s capital 一天,在“丑女”的激将法下,有如当头棒喝,苏灿毅然赴京投考武状元,这决定可算是扭转了他的一生,非但不能成为武状元,且更沦为乞丐,接掌丐帮帮主之位,学习丐帮武功。 |
| 10. | This programme tells uplifting stories ranging from the struggles of top - scoring candidates in the final imperial examination to examples of filial piety between kind mothers and good sons . wong yuk man also talks about the customs and practices of the lunar new year , the origins of one hundred chinese surnames and romances between gifted scholars and attractive women . these warm tales passed from generation to generation reveal the triumph of human endeavour in chinese history 内容有关中国历史上为人传颂的美谈佳话,呈现历史事件开心的一面,中国人素以"金榜题名时,洞房花烛夜"为最开心的时刻,因此首集先谈金榜状元,看中国人的读书精神,讲述中国第一个女状元,第一个武状元,最年老的状元,以及文武状元大决战的史实第二集以母慈子孝的孝顺观念为主第三集详谈春节风俗第四集则谈谈百家姓的起源最后一集则以才子佳人的故事,点出中国人传统的爱情观,并看看才子们为博美人垂青而作的绝佳对联。 |