我们为人民而死就是死得其所: when we die for the people it is a worthy death
Example Sentences:
When we die for the people , it is a worthy death . 我们为人民而死,就是死得其所。
My death will have a purpose . i ask no more than that 别无所求,死得其所
A fair death honors the whole life 谚死得其所,流芳百世。
You lost two men in berlin and you want it to mean something 你在柏林牺牲了两个人你希望他们死得其所
The most useful learning in the world is that which teches us how to die well 世界上最有用的学问是告诉我们怎样死得其所。
But we have the interests of the people and the sufferings of the great majority at heart , and when we die for the people it is a worthy death 但是我们想到人民的利益,想到大多数人民的痛苦,我们为人民而死,就是死得其所。
Optimally , this individual with a recipe will retain it plausibility when his own death is imminent and will allow him , indeed , to “ die correctly 乐观来说,当一个人的死亡即将到来并且如影随形地跟著他,这个秘诀的确有“死得其所”之意。
Don t you take on , sir , he said , shaking the squire s hand . all s well with him ; no fear for a hand that s been shot down in his duty to captain and owner “不要再这样了,先生, ”他说,一边握着乡绅的手, “他是为履行船长和船主赋予他的职责而死的,死得其所。
And i know i can die better , in more peace to - day , to know there are men who will plead the cause of my children 加入这个协会的那一天是我有生以来最感自豪的一天,我知道,如果今天要我去死,我会死得其所,死得泰然的,因为我明白会有人为了我的子女的事业奔走呼吁的。
It was the sublime abnegation of true love that comes to all lovers , and it came to him there , at the telephone , in a whirlwind of fire and glory ; and to die for her , he felt , was to have lived and loved well 那是一切挚爱者都会有的出于至情的崇高的献身精神。它就在这里,在电话机旁,在他心里产生了,是一股烈焰与强光的旋风。他感到为她而死便是死得其所,爱得尽情。