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English translation for "每公顷"

per hectare

Related Translations:
公顷:  hectare (ha.)
作物公顷:  crop hectare
每公顷产量:  output per hectareyield per ha
一公顷合十五市亩:  a hectare is equal to 15 mu
:  Ⅰ代词(指全体中的任何一个或一组) every; each; per 短语和例子每周末 every weekend; 每人 each person; 每亩 per mu; 每时每刻 all the time; at all times; 每四小时服一次 to be taken once every four hoursⅡ副词(表示反复的动作中的任何一次或一组) often;
Example Sentences:
1.The output seldom exceeds ten fat lambs and a fat beast per ha .
2.He suggests 87 heating units/hectares for a typical fruit orchard .
3.Five men per ha. were required for rose production, 6 or 7 men for carnations .
4.Such fees can be flat-so many dollars a hectare-or they can be broadly differentiated by income levels .
5.An average summer output in excess of 900 kg. liveweight per ha could not have been obtained if there had been a complete reliance on clover nitrogen .
6.The rate of production per hectare is very high in england
7.Every hectare of paddy fields in asia provides enough rice to feed 27 people
8.With sprinkler application the average dose used is around 300 m3 / ha
9.Every hectare of paddy [ 1 ] fields in asia provides enough rice to feed 27 people
10.Five men per ha . were required for rose production , 6 or 7 men for carnations
种植玫瑰每公顷需5个男劳力,香石竹需6 、 7个男劳力。
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