Such poisonous articles may work great mischief . 这类毒草文章可能造成很大的危害。
Toadstools are not edible . 毒草不可食。
They were as a few fragrant flowers amidst a dense accumulation of noxious weeds . 她们就象大丛毒草中的几朵香花。
I destroy all noisome and rank weeds, i keep down all pestilent vapours . 我摧毁了一切丛生的毒草,控制一切有害的烟雾。
The soul has been before stricken mortally , a poison poured in the porch of a sleeping ear “灵魂已经受到了致命的一击,睡觉的时候,毒草汁被注入耳腔。
In consequence , there were good seeds from good plants , and bad seeds from bad plants . but seeds are invisible 因此,也就有益草的草籽和毒草的草籽,可是草籽是看不见的。
They have spoken words , swearing falsely in making a covenant : thus judgment springeth up as hemlock in the furrows of the field 他们说很多话,起假誓,又立盟约;所以审判像毒草一般在田间的犁沟中生长起来。
They speak mere words , swearing falsely while making a covenant ; and judgment sprouts forth like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field 4他们在立约时说空话,起假誓,因此,审判如毒草滋生在田间的犁沟中。
Rats , pests and poisonous herbs had been wiped out from a total area of 1 , 345 , 700 hectares , easing the degeneration of the pastures to a certain measure 4万公顷,灭鼠、灭虫、灭毒草面积134 57万公顷,在一定程度上缓解了草场退化进程。
Not the earth , quickened to an evil purpose by the sympathy of his eye , greet him with poisonous shrubs , of species hitherto unknown , that would start up under his fingers 坟地会不会在他目光的感应下立刻产生邪意,在他手指的一触之下马上生出一种从不知名的毒草来迎接他呢?