| 1. | Oxygen and carbon dioxide from the air enter through the stoma . 空气中的氧和二氧化碳由气孔进入。 |
| 2. | The opening of stomata seems to be an energy-consuming process . 气孔的开放似乎是一个能量消耗的过程。 |
| 3. | Under conditions of water stress, leaf turgor decreases and stomata close . 在干旱的条件下,叶子的膨压减少而气孔关闭。 |
| 4. | Slag, blowholes, and paint on unfused regions were observed at the welded junctions . 在焊接处看到了夹渣,气孔及未熔透区的油漆。 |
| 5. | Even an air-entraining agent can be used because the minute pores are discontinuous . 甚至可以使用加气剂,因为小的气孔是不连通的。 |
| 6. | When the sun rises, the guard cells inflate and bulge to open the stomata, and photosynthesis begins . 当太阳升起时,这些保卫细胞充气并膨胀,打开了气孔,即开始了光合作用。 |
| 7. | These analyses depend on a number of potentially confounding factors such as nonstomatal transpiration and temperature . 这些分析取决于非气孔蒸腾和温度这样一些可能混淆的因素。 |
| 8. | Close examination of the plug welds showed the existence of herringbone patterns near the slag and voids in welds . 对塞焊焊缝的详细检查表明在焊渣及气孔附近,焊缝中存在着人字型裂纹。 |
| 9. | When a leaf loses water, closing of stomata follows, but upon rewatering, opening may be slow and does not follow rehydration of the leaf . 当叶子失水时,气孔随之闭合,但是当再充水时,开张缓缓,而且叶子不能重新进行水合作用。 |
| 10. | Characteristics such as exudation, voids, brittleness and irreversible expansion were noted in the preparation of a castable high explosive such as tnt . 诸如渗油、气孔、发脆和不可回复膨胀等特性,在可铸高锰炸药如锑思锑的制造中,是很明显的。 |