| 1. | At point e, the substance is wholly in the vapor phase . 到e点时,物质全部变为气相。 |
| 2. | Figure b shows a scheme of a mass spectrometer coupled to a gas chromatograph . B是气相色谱与质谱联用的框图。 |
| 3. | This is particularly valuable if an automated gc procedure is used . 如采用自动气相色谱分析,则该方法尤为有用。 |
| 4. | We use gas chromatography for moisture determination in a number of grains . 我们用气相层析法来测定各种谷物的水分。 |
| 5. | The higher value is comparable to those obtained in cvd epitaxy . 这个高的数值可以和从化学气相淀积外延得到的数值相比拟。 |
| 6. | Our result will be most applicable to molecules in the gas phase at low pressure . 我们的结果对在低压下的气相分子最适合。 |
| 7. | Gas phase data include composition, flow rate, and pressure at the starting point . 气相数据包括在开始点上的成分、流量及压力。 |
| 8. | Vapour phase chromatography has rapidly become one of the most successful analytical techniques . 气相色谱法已经迅速成为最成功的分析方法之一。 |
| 9. | When these results were re-investigated using gas chromatography the earlier work was confirmed . 当用气相色谱重新研究这些结果时,完全肯定了早期的工作。 |
| 10. | This relatively simple type of spray combustion model is amenable to improvement by taking account the effect of the spray on the gas phase . 这个比较简单的喷雾燃烧模型,可以通过考虑喷雾对气相的作用而加以改进。 |