Forts and churches almost always go together, and yet they're downright contradictions . 有要塞的地方,就一定有教堂,然而,这两者显然是水火不相容的。
She ' s at daggers drawn with her colleagues 她与同事们水火不相容
Oil and water will not blend 油和水不能混合在一起。 /水火不相容。
147 " tradition and modernization are incompatible 。 one must choose between them "传统和现代化是水火不相容的。人们必须二者选一。
People with revolutionary ideas may find themselves in collision with the forces of the law 想革命的人会发现他们自己与法律的势力水火不相容。
Oh , he means well , but he ' s not my sort . oil and water don ' t mix , no good trying 哦,他的用意是好的,可是我跟他合不来。水火不相容,别白费力气。
Since ancient times , " like oil and water " , but in the modern , high - tech measures , tile water guaranteed , city symbiotic such wonderfifi landscape has heen completely realized 自古“水火不相容” ,但在现代高科技手段下,水中喷火,水火共生等奇妙的景观已完全可以实现。
The author considers that adaptation and transcendence , which are not incompatible like oil and vinegar , are both indiscerptible responsibility of the university . a balance point can be found between them 论文认为,适应和超越都是大学不可回避的责任,它们之间并不是水火不相容的,而是可以找到一个平衡点。
He , the lingerer kutuzov , whose motto was always time and patience , the sworn opponent of precipitate action , he fought the battle of borodino , and made all his preparations for it with unwonted solemnity 库图佐夫老成持重,他的座右铭是“忍耐和时间” ,他与那些主张死拼硬打的人是水火不相容的,就是他以前所未有的严肃态度,在做好一切准备之后,发动了波罗底诺战役。