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English translation for "水盐平衡"

salt-and-water balance
Example Sentences:
1.The advantages of visal program are introduced , and its application to water and salt balance modelling for tarim river basin is discussed
2.Abstract : the advantages of visal program are introduced , and its application to water and salt balance modelling for tarim river basin is discussed
3.In this paper irrigated area water salt balance and the trends change is studied , the cause of formation and the trendence of saline - alkali land is analysized ; the foundmental theory for the administration of saline - alkali land is provided
4.Beginning with the analyse of present situation and cause of formation of saline - alkali land , the irrigated area overall water salt trends are analysed , and the irrigated area saline - alkali land and the groundwater level and distribution law of groundwater degree of mineralization are expounded , the trendence of irrigated area saline - alkali land is put forward . then water salt balance model is estanbished according to the relationship of irrigating and drainage . regarding the irrigated area as a balance area , by analysis of mineralization degree of water pumping from the yellow river and drained off water from irrigated area , the change of the draining off water ion is forcasted in water reducing condition
课题研究主要从盐碱地现状与成因及灌区总体水盐动态分析两方面入手,阐述了灌区盐碱地、地下水位、地下水矿化度的分布规律,分析了灌区盐碱地的成因及变化趋势;根据灌区灌溉、排水条件与以上各种因素的关系,建立了灌区水盐均衡模型;把灌区作为一个均衡区,通过对黄河来水矿化度、灌区排水矿化度的分析,预测了在灌溉引水、排水减少时排水离子量的变化;运用灌区水盐动态模型原理,对灌区现状( 1998 、 2000年)与规划水平年总体水盐平衡进行了计算;总结分析了灌区水盐动态变化趋势,计算并提出了排水控制标准。
5.Since 1980s he has been studying the mechanism of normalization of abnormal blood pressure and the resetting of baroreceptor reflex by acupuncture and somatic nerve stimulation , effects of brain osmoreceptor stimulation on sympathetic nerve discharge and renal activity , the role of vasopressin in body fluid and salt homeostasis , difference in gene expression between hypertensive and normotensive rats , hypertension and cardiac ischemia - induced myocardial remodeling , effect of steroids on the nervous system , etc . with his research achievements , dr . yao was awarded science and technology progress prize sponsored by the state education commission grade a award in 1986 , grade b award in 1995 and by the ministry of health grade b award in 1989 and 1993 , grade a award of guang - hua science and technology prize 1995 , and chinese universities science and technology prize grade b award in 2000
近二十年来,他主要从事针刺和刺激躯体神经对心血管和肾脏活动的调整作用刺激脑内渗透压感受器引起的交感神经放电和肾脏活动的改变血管升压素在心血管活动调节和水盐平衡中的作用原发性高血压的相关基因高血压和心肌梗死引起的心肌重构甾体激素对神经系统的影响等。他的科研成果曾获得国家教委科技进步奖一等奖一项1986年二等奖一项1995年卫生部医药卫生科技进步奖二等奖二项1989 1993年光华科技基金奖一等奖一项1995年中国高校科学技术奖二等奖一项2000年。
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