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English translation for "永久冻土"

ground frost
perennial frost
perennially frozen ground
perpetually frozen soil

Related Translations:
永久郎:  eikuronagakuro
永久基准面:  permanent datumultimate base level
永久臼齿:  persistent grinder
永久沉淀:  permanent precipitation
永久收缩:  permanent contraction
永久停业:  permanently discontinued business
永久培养:  permaculture
永久整理:  permanent finish
永久延伸:  permanent extensionpermanent-capacitor elongation
Example Sentences:
1.Perhaps this is caused by the sudden melting of subsurface permafrost .
2.In permafrost areas in the soviet union or canada or alaska, ice has been used effectively for walling and roofing .
3.As permafrost gets warmer , it could become wetlands
4.The polar ice caps are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide , and water may be frozen in the ground as permafrost
5.When scientists fly into remote areas of siberia to study permafrost , they gaze down on an endless expanse of arctic lakes
6.In alaska , salmon populations are faltering as melting permafrost pours mud into rivers , burying the gravel the fish need for spawning
在阿拉斯加, ?鱼群的数量正在逐渐减少,因为永久冻土层融化带入大量的泥土到河中,覆盖了?鱼产卵所需的碎石。
7.Slowly the carcass , more than four times the weight of a bull elephant , appears onto the ice to be cut up , dragged to the village and stored in pits in the permanently frozen ground
8.We are already seeing changes in rainfall ; an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events ; melting sea ice and permafrost ; retreating glaciers
9.There are three main genetic types : ( 1 ) biogas generated in high - latitude and low - temperature permafrost zone : ( 2 ) biogas generated in high salinity environment in high elevation ; ( 3 ) biogas in shallow pay generated in recent sediment
10.Modernity , they proudly and not uncontroversially say , has arrived in this backward region in the form of an engineering miracle that has laid tracks on land gripped year - round by ice , a railway line at higher altitude than any other in the world
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