藤: 名词1.(某些植物的匍匐茎或攀援茎) vine; rattan; cane 短语和例子一根藤上的两个瓜 two melons growing on the same vine; 藤制品 rattan work; 藤盔 rattan helmet; 藤索 rattan rope; 藤椅 cane [rattan] chair; 雷公藤 thunder god vine; 啤酒
汤: 汤名词1.(热水; 开水) hot water; boiling water 短语和例子赴汤蹈火 go through fire and water; 温汤浸种 hot-water treatment of seeds2.(专指温泉) hot springs3.(食物煮后的汁水) soup; broth 短语和例子牛肉汤 beef broth; 姜汤 ginger tea;