English translation for "没有营养"
- nonnutritive
Related Translations:
富营养: eutrophy◇富营养湖 eutrophic lake 营养期: trophophasevegetable phasevegetal periodvegetation periodvegetative periodvegetative phase 微量元素营养: microelements nutritionmicroelementsnutrition 人类营养: s01-human nutrition-general aspects 儿童营养: childhood nutrition 营养食品: nourishing foodnutraceuticalrestorative
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | There is no sustenance in it . 这里面没有营养。 | | 2. | It has no nutritional value and no flavor of its own 味精本身既没有营养也没有味道。 | | 3. | You pay great prices on many kinds of food that lack nutritional value 你花了很多钱去买各种各样实际上没有营养价值的食品。 | | 4. | I don ' t like the oiled bar , because it is neither nutritious nor good to health 我不喜欢油条,油条没有营养,对身体也不好。 | | 5. | Soup ingredients have no nutritional value after boiling . just drink the soup and discard the ingredients 煲汤后的食物没有营养,可以抛弃不吃而只喝汤。 | | 6. | Crops often are grown year after year in the same fields , so the soil loses all of its nutrients 长年累月,在同一块地里种一种农作物,很容易让土地没有营养。 | | 7. | The man knew there was no nourishment in the berries , but he chewed them patiently with a hope greater than knowledge and defying experience 他知道这浆果没有营养,但在饥饿的驱使下顾不了常识和经验,耐心地嚼着。 | | 8. | Most of the commercials aimed at children advertise foods with little or no nutritional value such as sugared cereals , soda and fast - food meals 商家们瞄准儿童给没有营养或仅有极少营养价值的食物作广告,比如加糖的谷类食品,苏打、快餐类食品。 | | 9. | Most of the commercials aimed at children advertise foods with little or no nutritional value such as sugared cereals , soda and fast - food meals 其中大部分瞄准儿童市场的广告商将精力集中于诸如加糖谷物,碳酸饮料或者快餐食品等含极少量或者根本没有营养价值的食品的广告宣传上。 | | 10. | Popular snacks , such as potato chips , soft drinks , candy , chocolate , etc . are often high in fat , salt and sugar . excessive consumption results in obesity and tooth decay so it is better to avoid this kind of snack 不健康的小食:常见的小食如薯片、汽水、糖果、朱古力等,都含有很多的调味料,如油、盐和糖;不但没有营养,且容易引致过胖和蛀牙,所以应该减少进食。 |
- Similar Words:
- "没有隐藏的摄影机,12岁女孩" English translation, "没有隐藏噱头" English translation, "没有隐私" English translation, "没有英国牺牲者" English translation, "没有应答" English translation, "没有营养, 与营养无关" English translation, "没有营养地" English translation, "没有影响" English translation, "没有影子的" English translation, "没有硬盘" English translation