Then tenderly stroked by the soft hands of fine rain , they would put forth bright green leaves and pink flowers 细草样柔的雨声又以温存之手抚摩它,使它簇生油绿的枝叶而开出红色的花。
Its claim to fame is having inclusions that look like sparkles . very high quality aventurine without the inclusions , looks like emerald 绿色东陵石底色油绿不正,上面有光亮的小点,密度低于翡翠,其价格也远逊于优质翡翠。
Looking and seeking , when i find , in spring breeze , the first bud shoot - ing out of the soil and receiving the caress of sunlight , bursting the glossy green smile in spring scenery in the barely warm but still cool atmosphere , i ' ll be reminded of the indomitabilily of life 寻寻觅觅,当我在春风中发现第一棵嫩芽破土而出,承受阳光的抚摸,在乍暖还寒的春光中绽开油绿的笑颜,便联想到生命的顽强。